🦸‍♀️ Getting clear on what you want

superpower + interests

caught 4 fish in total (and then released them)


I’m greeting you (in Japanese) from the island of Okinawa. My partner, Hanif, and I are here for the week to escape the winter blues and eat all the seafood in sight.

Well, I’ll be eating all the seafood. He’s trying to eat his weight in purple yam ice cream.

Anyways, let’s get into it.

👋 Reflect with me for a minute and let’s get real clear on what you want.

What is something that comes easy to you?

For me it’s asking questions.

(I’m way too curious for my own good.)

It’s my default to really hear what someone is saying and ask deep follow up questions.

I didn’t think much of this for years because it was always something I did with ease.

I repeat, it was easy. And therefore not that valuable.

But actually, the ease is what made it my superpower.

Something that came as a strength to me.

Think about it again. What is something that comes easy to you?

Ok, great! And now - what is something that you’re interested in?

For me, it’s always been people and why we have the thoughts we do.

Nerdy example:

When I was 12 my cousin gave me a Polaroid camera for my birthday.

It was the best gift e v e r! 📷

Did I immediately start taking selfies and posing with friends?

Not quite.

I went around school interviewing my 7th grade teachers and snapping Polaroids of them to place in my “interview book.”

Like a complete dork (I say in hindsight).

What is something that’s always piqued your interest? A common thread in what you gravitate to?

my 2020 podcast setup. podcasting was one interaction of asking questions + learning about people.

Ok, so we have a sense of your superpower + interests.

Let’s sandwich them together. 🥪

Your superpower + your interests

Tell me. What possibilities or opportunities come to mind when you combine these?

I’d love to hear about them. Reply back!

Rooting for you,

❤️ Sarah

Interesting finds:

  • AI headshots. I used one recently and it produced some gems and laughs. See my third hand below.


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